Home Music Ministry

Music Ministry

The Bible points out that every good gift comes from God (James 1:17). Music is one of God’s
good gifts. God has given both humans and angels the gift of music-making (Genesis 4:21; Job

The purpose of our Music Ministry is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through songs,
encourage believers in their walk with Christ through songs, lead the congregation in worship
and provide an avenue through which individuals may share their gifts and be integral parts of
the worship. The Music Ministry thus spreads the Word of God through music experiences.

Our Music Ministry is committed to facilitating worship, fellowship, encouragement and
outreach through a balanced program of music that includes expressions ancient and modern,
eloquent and simple, familiar and new. The ministry strives to enable a worship atmosphere that
is Christ-exalting and transformational.

Our corporate worship is enhanced through various musical groups that participate in our church
services. These include: