Home Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to “To Know Christ And To Make Him Known”,

  • By calling men, women, and children to personal saving faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and
    Savior, and nurturing and equipping them to be active disciples of Christ, purposed to
    grow in faith, in holiness, in commitment, and in service …
  • Through worship, fellowship, prayer, preaching, teaching, stewardship, and acts of love,
    as prescribed by the Word of God, so that at the end of time, every knee shall bend in
    submission to Jesus, and every tongue will acknowledge that Christ is Lord.
  • Inherent in our mission is the recognition that our spiritual growth and transformation is a
    lifelong and life-changing experience; therefore, as we grow individually and collectively
    as a community in Christ, so too will the dimensions of our mission.