Mark 10:41-43When the ten heard this, they began to be angry with James and John. 42 So Jesus called them and said to them, ‘You know that among the Gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. 43 But it is not so among you; but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant,
Read more“Who is Jesus to you, and who are you to him?”….,If He is our saviour, God, Lord. Then, to acknowledge His authority, we will faithfully hear and do what He says. This trait of obedience lacks in most of the people who call Jesus their Lord. So, Jesus, to me is Lord and I acknowledge this by trying to obey His commands.”
Read morePsalm 145
I will extol you, my God and King,
and bless your name forever and ever.
2 Every day I will bless you
and praise your name forever and ever.
3 Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised;
his greatness is unsearchable.
4 One generation shall extol your works to another
and shall declare your mighty acts.
Mark 2:23-27 One Sabbath he was going through the grain fields, and as they made their way his disciples began to pluck heads of grain. 24 The Pharisees said to him, “Look, why are they doing what is not lawful on the Sabbath?” 25 And he said to them, “Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry and in need of food,
Read moreMark 3:20-35 20 Then he went home, and the crowd came together again, so that they could not even eat. 21 When his family heard it, they went out to restrain him, for people were saying, “He has gone out of his mind.”22 And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said, “He has Beelzebul, and by the ruler of the demons he casts out demons.” 23 And he called them to him and spoke to them in parables, “How can Satan cast out Satan?
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